What’s my favourite supplement for Women’s Hormones in the holiday season?

Magnesium is my favourite mineral for women’s hormonal health and my absolute go-to in the holiday season. If you only want to take one supplement, then consider this one!

Why magnesium?

Magnesium is needed for hundreds of functions in the body including regulating blood sugar, supporting thyroid hormone, fuelling mitochondria (the energy battery of your cells), supporting food absorption, improving mood and cognition (goodbye anxious feelings and paralysing brain fog!), promoting sleep, helping to absorb and assimilate vitamin D, reducing or preventing headaches/migraines, promoting healthy estrogen metabolism, lowering inflammation, and of course, reducing period pain and heavy bleeding.

What are the best food sources of magnesium?

Almonds, pecans, dark leafy greens such as kale and collards, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, gluten-free whole grains such as buckwheat, and delightedly – chocolate that is 70% or more cacao (occasional use only though, yes?!)

But here’s the kicker: when you are experiencing stress, your body actively discharges magnesium through your urine so that your nervous system can get more revved up! 

So as you keep on opening up yet another stressful email, it gets harder and harder to keep up with eating (and absorbing) enough magnesium-packed foods to counter your body merrily peeing it out.

Can I absorb magnesium externally?

Yes and No. The magnesium that is absorbed externally is great for muscle soreness, but there’s no evidence to suggest it increases the magnesium in your body - that needs to happen through food and supplementation.

In saying that, you can use magnesium sprays, lotion or oil on the skin, or have an Epsom Salt bath up to 3 times a week (amazing for relaxation and detoxification). Simply add 2 cups of Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts) or Magnesium Chloride (Magnesium Flakes) into a very warm but not too hot bath. Stay in the bath until your face starts to sweat or 15 minutes (whichever comes sooner) and then get out. Due to Osmosis, toxins start being drawn out of you and into the bath water. But after 15 minutes, your body may start absorbing the toxins back into your body, and that’s certainly not ideal! So set a timer so you can get out of the bath before that happens.

Note: People who are sensitive to the Sulphate in Epsom Salts might prefer Magnesium Chloride Flakes instead.

Mix & match magnesium supplements 

Magnesium comes in many different forms and each has a different benefit. It may be useful to mix and match your magnesium supplements according to what your body is telling you. Here’s my favourites to consider when supporting a happy menstrual cycle:

  • Magnesium glycinate bound to the amino acid glycine, this form of magnesium can be a great support for moods, sleep and hormones. It is more bioavailable than other forms and is less likely to cause loose stools or diarrhea

  • Magnesium malate supports energy production and pain relief

  • Magnesium citrate is the go-to for alleviating constipation (or you could use oxide too), and supports overall muscle and nerve function

  • Magnesium threonate is excellent for supporting brain health, memory and cognitive function (ideal for the days you need a little extra brain power).

Recommended dose: At least 300 mg per day of elemental magnesium (check the label or ask the manufacturer how much elemental magnesium is actually in each dose). You can generally take magnesium at any time with food, but taking it in the evening may help promote sleep. Follow dosage directions on the label.

Caution: Too much magnesium supplementation (citrate in particular) can cause loose stools. If this happens, cut the dosage in half and work back up to the recommended dosage slowly. Or rely more on getting magnesium through food while continuing to enjoy your Epsom Salts baths, sprays and creams. Please check with your healthcare practitioner if magnesium supplementation is right for you. Magnesium may require more care if you have kidney disease or are on any medications. (For example, magnesium needs to be taken some time away from thyroid medications).

So there we have it wonderful Wonder Woman - the lowdown on my go-to mineral for optimal hormone health! 

If you'd like more support on handling this holiday season, take a peek at my coaching services and book a call ASAP before things REALLY start getting silly! 


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